MATLAB: Using an index in a loop as a variable in another function


function alpha = uppp2(x)
N = 100; d = 75; g = 5; h = 0.1;
for n = 1:x
alpha(1,n) = (x+1-n) * d;
for n = 1:N
alpha((n+1),1) = alpha(n,1) + g * h;
for j = 2:x
for n = 1:N % index n
alpha(n+1,j) = alpha(n,j) + h * vel((alpha(n,j-1)) - alpha(n,j))
function kappa = vel(y)
kappa(y >= d) = n * h * 25 / 6 % Here i want to use the same index n as in the foor loop
kappa(y == d) = 25
kappa(y <= d) = g - 1
% How do I achive this? It seems like the function Kappa doesn't find the variable n.

Best Answer

You need to provide it as an additional argument (the same holds for d, g, and h):
alpha(n+1,j) = alpha(n,j) + h * vel(n, d, g, h, (alpha(n,j-1)) - alpha(n,j))
function kappa = vel(n, d, g, h, y)
kappa(y >= d) = n * h * 25 / 6 % Here i want to use the same index n as in the foor loop
kappa(y == d) = 25
kappa(y <= d) = g - 1
Your 'vel' functions can't access n, d, g and h because they are only defined in uppp2.