MATLAB: Using an iddata object, how to plot multiple frequency response estimations in the same bode plot, using Hz for the x-axis units

controlsdesignfreqidentificationstablesysidsystemSystem Identification Toolboxunstable

Using an iddata object, how do I plot multiple frequency response estimations in the same bode plot, using Hz for the x-axis units?

Best Answer

After estimating the frequency response of your data, you can use the "bodeplot" function and set the options to use Hz for the x-axis units.
Check out this template to create an iddata object, estimate the frequency response with several types of estimators, and then plot the results in the same bode plot.
% non-parametric
% parametric
zf = fft(DataObj);
b = bodeplot(G1,G2, mf,G1.freq);