MATLAB: Using an external function in GUI closes the interface


I am using an external function I made outside GUI (heart_rate.m) and I am using it in a push button in GUI. The problem is that every time I press the button, the functions runs and returns the value I want, but after the interface just closes by itself.
At the moment the code is something really basic like this:
function pushbutton_connect_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global HR;
HR = heart_rate(data1,sr);
msgbox(sprintf('Your heart rate is: %3.f', HR));
The msgbox appears and shows the correct number for data1, but then the thing just closes. I have also used a different external function just to test and the behaviour is the same.
Any idea on what is the problem? I am relatively new to guide, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes I may say 🙂

Best Answer

The heart_rate function, if like that in the above link, has as its first line
close all; clc;clear all;
Calling close all would close the GUI yet still allow the message box to display. Try removing this line and re-running the application.