MATLAB: Using AMS in figure anotation with LaTeX interpreter


I've been searching for some time to simplify a figure legend and for this I need to make Matlab interpret LaTeX AMS formulas.
In LaTeX, the commands "\textcolor{red}{$ \blacksquare$}" or $\triangledown$ are displayed but Matlax don't understand them, even when the interpreter is set to latex.
An example code is : figure annotation('textbox',[0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4],… 'Interpreter','latex',… 'String',{'Case 1: \textcolor{blue}{$\blacksquare$} meas 1',' \textcolo{red}{$\blacklozenge$} meas 2','Case 2: $\square$ meas 1',' $\triangledown$ meas 2'});
The \textcolor can probably be replaced by setting by hand the colour but the AMS commands ($\blacksquare$) aren't understood by Matlab anyway.
Which command should I be using so that Matlab interpret AMS formulas?
Thank you,

Best Answer

It cannot be done. The MATLAB LaTeX interpreter is not a full fledged LaTeX distribution. As you haven't, and cannot, load the ams* packages, you cannot use the functionality. If you are including the output in LaTeX, you could use something like LaPrint.
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