MATLAB: Using add_block in a for loop


Hello, my problem is about creating Simulink Model in with script, due to variable model size I want to generate my model with help of for loops. When I use such command:
for k=1:n
Submodulename =sprintf('Submodule_%d' ,k);
pos = [x y+3*k*offset (x+w) (y+h+6*k*offset)];
add_block('NPC_MMC_Library/Submodule', Submodulename,...
Even my variable block name Submodulename is changing but add_block doesn't work,
thanx for any help in advance, Regards

Best Answer

I see you have defined a source block ('NPC_MMC_Library/Submodule'), however your destination doesn't appear to include the model name you are adding it to. I would expect your source to be of the format ['my_model/', Submodulename].
The reason it is failing is you are trying to add a block without stating which model you are adding it to.
Try this:
for k=1:n
Submodulename =sprintf('Submodule_%d' ,k);
pos = [x y+3*k*offset (x+w) (y+h+6*k*offset)];
add_block('NPC_MMC_Library/Submodule', ['my_model/', Submodulename], ...
Note: Replace 'my_model' with the name of your Simulink model