MATLAB: Using ActiveX Server with Excel

activexexcelMATLABobjects are hardserver

Some background I've looked at: Excel 2010 Developers Reference.
Unfortunately, there's not much explanation for someone new to ActiveX:
1. Does this calculate the last occupied column? Is there a significance to '4'? It seems like this line should never be changed.
robj = exlSheet1.Columns.End(4)
3. How can I just import the entire worksheet without knowing how big the worksheet is?
dat_range = ['A1:G' num2str(numrows)]; % Read to the last row
It looks like you need to know beforehand with 'A1:G'. I suppose I could put in an arbitrary value such as 'A1:ZZ'.

Best Answer

1. That code is selecting the last cell (containing data) in the first column of the first worksheet of the excel.
4 is basically 'xldown' property. Check the following link:
and also check this link:
3. You can use just the following code if you want to use the whole worksheet data:
dat_range = exlSheet1.UsedRange
Also, note that when you use COM interface for excel through MATLAB, you mostly deal with VBA code and little MATLAB code.