MATLAB: Using a windows dll in a C++ S-function

dlllegacy code tools-functionsimulink

I have a C++ source code that is completely functional.
It uses functions from a windows DLL.
When I try to create a Simulink s-function using the legacy code tool,
these dll functions are not accessible. I get a segmentation fault.
If I take the calls to the functions out of the source code, it will run fine.
I have already changed my system path to where the dll is located. I have also checked for dependencies in the dll.
My C++ compiler is Visual Studio 2010. Matlab 32 bit 2011b
Here is how I use the legacy code tool:
def = legacy_code('initialize')
def.Options.language = 'C++';
def.OutputFcnSpec=['double y1 = positionfunct(void)']
def.IncPaths = {'C:\mtlb11b\bin\sfunctionblock'}
def.SrcPaths = {'C:\mtlb11b\bin\sfunctionblock'}
def.LibPaths = {'C:\mtlb11b\bin\sfunctionblock'}
def.HeaderFiles = {'Sfile.h','windows.h'}
def.SourceFiles = {'CodeForSFile.cpp'}
def.SFunctionName = 'GetPosition'
def.SampleTime = 'parameterized'
Here is how I am obtaining the functions in C++:
static HINSTANCE hGetProcIDDLL = LoadLibrary("C:/mtlb11b/bin/sfunctionblock/PCI_VME.dll");
FARPROC lpfnGetProcessID = GetProcAddress(HMODULE (hGetProcIDDLL),"OPT");
typedef int (__stdcall * pICFUNC2)(char*);
OPT = pICFUNC2(lpfnGetProcessID);
What are some things that I can try to get this to work? Should this work or should I be using a different approach?

Best Answer

I eventually solved the problem myself. It was quite trivial. I was indexing out of an array of a return string from one of my dll functions.
Always look for the basic errors.