MATLAB: Using a while loop, what am I missing

MATLAB and Simulink Student Suitewhile loop

The code works but does not print the first number. The range is 1 to 11 odd numbers only but I need number 1 to show in the list.
% Initialize the variables
k = 1;
%Column Headers
fprintf('\tn \ty \n')
%Code to loop until k > 11, then stop and print results in columns
while k < 11
k = k+2;
sum1 = sum1 + y(k);
fprintf('\t%i \t%.1f \n',k,sum1)

Best Answer

% Initialize the variables
sum1 = 0;
k = 1;
%Column Headers
fprintf('\tn \ty \n')
%Code to loop until k > 11, then stop and print results in columns
while k < 11
sum1 = sum1 + y(k);
fprintf('\t%i \t%.1f \n',k,sum1)
k = k+2; % Move behind the calculation