MATLAB: Using a private method to set a number of private properties

MATLABoopprivate methodprivate property

I'm trying to work with OOP concepts in MATLAB but run into the following problem: I have a number of coefficients which need to be computed, based on some public properties inside a private class method. However, these properties are not set for some reason I don't quite understand. The method I have defined as:
methods (Access = private)
function obj = calcSchemeCoefficients (obj)
obj.lambda2 = (obj.gamma2*obj.k^2)/obj.h^2; = (obj.kappa*obj.k)/obj.h^2;
obj.mu2 =^2;
obj.zeta = (4*obj.b2*;
obj.den = 1+obj.b1*obj.k;
obj.a10 = (2-2*obj.lambda2-6*obj.mu2-obj.zeta)/obj.den;
obj.a11 = (obj.lambda2+4*obj.mu2+0.5*obj.zeta)/obj.den;
obj.a12 = -obj.mu2/obj.den;
obj.a20 = (-1+obj.zeta+obj.b1*obj.k)/obj.den;
obj.a21 = (-0.5*obj.zeta)/obj.den;
% this prints the correct result
fprintf('\nlambda2: %f\n', obj.lambda2);
However when I try to recall the property lambda2 for use in another (public) function, it doesn't seem to contain any value… I suspect I am missing some logic here, but I really have no clue what it could be.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated

Best Answer

My guess is you are not handling the returned object correctly. Are you using a value class or a handle class? What happens when you do:
objb = calcSchemeCoefficients(obja)