MATLAB: Using a For Loop with the variable set to a series defined matrix values


Hi. I have a program where I'm trying to implement a range of values that the user can examine, between 1 and 64. I want to run the program and have it cumulatively plot the results at all predefined window sizes.
I keep trying something like this, using all kinds of different combinations of brackets (I'm new to programming and MATLAB):
for window = ([1:64], [30:31], [21:29], [etc])
windowval = window % Used to test the For loop in the practice/test program
Usually windowval ends up equaling 1, then 2, then 3, etc. I want it to equal 1:64, as in, [1 2 3 4 5 6 … 64], then on the next iteration, [30:31], etc.
Any tips? When I use doc for, the closest thing to what I want is just for a defined set of index values, s = [3,5,8,10]…
EDIT: Also, I should say, I want the user to be able to easily be able to implement these ranges into the script directly (but manually).

Best Answer

Have you tried this combination of brackets? ;-)
for window = {1:64, 30:31, 21:29}
windowval = cell2mat(window);