MATLAB: Using a ‘for’ Loop to Pass in Excel Files


Hi, all. Let me start with the code and I'll explain the issue second:
for k = 1:size(excel_files,2)
C = cellstr(excel_files(k));
file_open = fopen('C(k)','a');
excel_read = xlsread(file_open(k));
excel_write = xlswrite('Master_File.xlsx');
file_close = fclose(file_open(k));
The variable 'excel_files' is a 1×11 cell whose entries look like this on the command window: '16Jun18 Exp_Results.xlsx'
My goal is to use the loop to read the data from all 11 Excel files, one at a time, and append the newest data set to 'Master_File.xlsx'. There are two errors I keep getting under different circumstances. If I enter:
file_open = fopen(C(k),'a')
I get the error: "Error using fopen First input must be a file name or a file identifier."
If I enter the code as originally stated, I get the error: "Error using xlsread (line 125) File name must be a character vector."
I was under the impression the 'cellstr' function would remedy the issue, but that isn't the case. Do the apostrophes around C(k) not transfer through to the file name? Any help would be greatly appreciated, and if I was unclear at all, please let me know so I can add amplifying information.
Thank you!

Best Answer

No need to use fopen() and fclose() to read Excel file.
Assume "excel_files" is a 1x11 cell, each contains an Excel file name such as '16Jun18 Exp_Results.xlsx'.
Assume the first sheet of each Excel file contains all numerical data with the same number of columns
for k=1:length(excel_files)