MATLAB: Using a binary matrix as an index to select values from another matrix


Hi all,
I think this is a really beginner question, but I can't seem to find the relevant answers online.
If I have the following matrix:
% 3x2

index_matrix = [0,0;1,0;1,1;]
% 3x2
p = [13,12;11,19;22,23;]
I wish to select the corresponding value in p if the value at the same position in index_matrix = 1.
If the value in index_matrix is 0, then the corresponding value should be set to 0.
That is, I wish to have the following:
result = [0,0;11,0;22,23;]
Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

result = p.*index_matrix
matrix multiplication is the keyword hehe
Best regards.