MATLAB: User input that can remain on screen and be adjusted

dialoguedlguser inputvariable

I have only just in the last month or so learnt how to use MATLAB. I'm currently trying to make a basic GUI for a series of race car dynamics calculations.
I'm using questdlg and inside one case, prompt. The values entered in this prompt once OK is pressed are run through a series of equations, a graph appears, and the results are returned in a uiwait msgbox – once OK is pressed another graph is displayed (and the results go)
My question – how can I have functionality like this, but allow the user input box to remain on screen, and the results, and graphs, so one variable could be changed, and the effect on the results easily seen?
Currently I have to finish running the code (close graphs and msgbox) and re-run, re-typing all values, adjusting the one I want to change.
Do I need to use GUIDE? I avoided it initially as I knew a basic GUI (as it is now) with prompts/questdlg/msgbox would take only a few lines of code.
Please see my M-file –
Thanks in advance – Matt.

Best Answer

Matt - if you want to re-populate your input boxes with the list that the user had already selected then you can by making use of the default answers property of inputdlg. Since the output from your call to this function is the local variable answer, then do the following: outside of your while loop, initialize this local variable to be an empty cell array as
answer = {};
while choice_final == 'Yes'; %#ok<STCMP>
% etc.

Now, when it comes to launching the dialog, do
if isempty(answer)
If the cell array is empty, as it would be the first time he user launches the dialog, then don't provide any default answers. Else, if the user chooses to edit some of his or her previous answers, then provide the answers from the previous "round".
As an aside, for your string compare use strcmp or strcmpi, so that the condition in your above while loop becomes
while strcmpi(choice_final,'yes')
% etc.
rather than using == to compare strings directly.