MATLAB: User defined functions with dynamic parameterisation in a parfor loops

functionsParallel Computing Toolboxparfor

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Is it OK to include a user defined function in a parfor loop, where the function definition changes with the loop indexation? Matlab is not identifying any errors, and from checking a few items manually, it seems to be correct. But I was unable to find anywhere online or in documentation that confirms Matlab handles this correctly or that functions are officially supported. Here is a simplified version to illustrate what I am asking about. The function is adjusted on each loop to run a different optimisation problem.
% Function parameters
FunctionParameters = [1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6];
% Fmincon parameters
x0 = 1;
A =0;
b =0;
Aeq =0;
beq = 0;
lb = -1;
ub =1;
% Parfor optimisation loop
parfor n = 1:3
ExampleFunction = @(ExampleVariable) ExampleVariable * FunctionParameters(n,1) - FunctionParameters(n,2);
fun = ExampleFunction;
x = fmincon(fun,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub)

Best Answer

This documentation for parfor notes various limitations - and also notes explicitly that you can create anonymous functions inside a parfor loop and use them, with some limitations. In your case, the limitations on sliced output variables do not apply since you're capturing input variables inside ExampleFunction.