MATLAB: ‘/’ used for creating an axis, DFT


How does building an axis in that way: 'freq= [-pi+pi/L:2*pi/L:pi-pi/L];' work exactly? Why so many '/' signs and what do they exactly do? DFT

Best Answer

This assignment:
freq = [-pi+pi/L:2*pi/L:pi-pi/L];
is apparently for a two-sided Fourier transform, where ‘L’ is the length of the Fourier transform vector. The increment of the vector is ‘pi/L’, where the ‘/’ is right division (specifically, ‘matrix right division’, see the mrdivide (link) documentation for details). The vector goes from ( -pi + the increment ) to ( pi - the increment ). Supply an integer value for ‘L’ and run that line to see how it works.