MATLAB: Use the first value after using polyfit


I am using the polyfit function and need to analyze the results but I am not sure quite how. My code so far is here:
function result = highest_coeff(x,y)
x = [0 1 2];
y = [0 1 2];
coeffs = polyfit(x,y,2);
result = coeffs;
I need to analyze the results and find the first "value" that is greater than or equal to 0.1 or less than or equal to -0.1, then return the position of that value. For example when I run this code through the command window I get:
-0.0000 1.0000 -0.0000
Here the first value is not >= 0.1 or <= -0.1, so the answer would be 2. Does anybody have any tips or solutions for this problem?

Best Answer

find( abs(highest_coeff(x,y)) >= 0.1 )