MATLAB: Use regexp to split table columns


Is there a way to split a table column containing text values as entries and return the newly split out contents as columns?
I have a table named Data with a column named TestID (Data.TestID). The following regexp command properly finds my text values and returns them:
OUT = regexp(Data.TestID, '(\w+-\w+)-\w{2}[-](\d+)\w*-','tokens')
Unfortunately, OUT is returned as a nx1 cell array where each cell contains a 1×1 cell array, each of these in turn contains a 1×2 cell array with my split strings inside. For example:
contains the two strings split out of the first entry of Data.TestID
Is there any way to split these strings so that OUT returns two columns that can be appended back onto Data?

Best Answer

I ultimately found a solution using 'names' to split the output into a structure that I could convert into a table:
OUT = regexp(Data.TestID(:,1), '(?<Name1>\w+-\w+)-\w{2}-(?<Name2>\d+)\w*-\w{2}', 'names');
OUT = [OUT{:}];
OUTTable = struct2table(OUT);
this let me append OUTTable to Data using:
Data = [Data OUTTable];