MATLAB: Use of list box Matlab GUI

digital image processingguiimage analysisimage processingmatlab gui

Hi there,
I want to know how can I link two list box and then pass the values of both list boxes in a text box using a push button.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Best Answer

In the callback for the push button:
str1 = cellstr(get(handles.listbox1, 'string'));
val1 = get(handles.listbox1, 'value');
if isempty(val1)
selection1 = '';
selection1 = str1{val1};
str2 = cellstr(get(handles.listbox2, 'string'));
val2 = get(handles.listbox2, 'value');
if isempty(val2)
selection2 = '';
selection2 = str2{val2};
combined_selection = {selection1; selection2};
set(handles.textbox, 'string', combined_selection);
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