MATLAB: Use of Constant Blocks within a CLA Task Subsystem

c2000claEmbedded Coder

I am trying to work with the CLA module of a C2000 Microcontroller(F28069). If I have a Constant Block in the CLA Task Subsystem I get an error:
"cla_task.cla", line 33: error: identifier "modelname_t_P" is undefined 1 error detected in the compilation of "cla_task.cla".
I then checked the CLA Blinking LED Example, because there is a Constant Block in use, and the Example is compiling without problem. After Comparing the two generated cla_task.cla files I see a big difference. In the Example the Constant Block was put in with its value, while in my case, the Constant Block was put in as an element of a structur(modelname_t_P.Constant_Value), but this struct is not defined in the generated Code.
I compared both Model Configurations, but couldn't find a difference. Can somebody tell me what I have to do, so I can use a Constant Block in a CLA Task Subsystem? I am using MATLAB 2015b and CCS v6.

Best Answer

Hi Martin,
Tunable parameters are not supported inside a CLA subsystem. You have to select the inline parameters option in the configuration parameters.
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