MATLAB: Use meshgrid to evaluate anonymous function which accepts vector inputs

anonymousmesh gridvector input

I want to numerically evaluate the average value of an function over a domain using meshgrid. For this simple example, we can use many other methods but I would like to stick with meshgrid.
% Define my domain, a rectangle
[X1,X2] = ndgrid([1,2],[3,4]);
% Define myfunc1 with individual input
myfunc1 = @(x1,x2) x1+x2;
% Define myfunc2 with a two-dimensional vector
myfunc2 = @(x) x(1)+x(2);
% Evaluate the mess grid using following expression
f01 = myfunc1(X1,X2);
% what about f02? I cannot do the following
f02 = myfunc2([X1,X2]);
% After got f01 or f02, I can use sum() to get average value.
So if a function accepts a vector input, how to use it to evaluate a meshgrid? I don't want to convert it back to multiple individual inputs. Thanks, Liang

Best Answer

arrayfun(@(x1,x2) myfunc2([x1,x2]), X1, X2)