MATLAB: Use Maltab Classes inside simulink


I want to use instances of Matlab Classes in a sumulink-model (inside a Matlab-Function). The only thing I found is this: But I don't know if this is what I'm looking for and also I can't get it running. (How can I add the Simulink.Parameter Class to the Matlab Search path?)
What I eventually want to do, is to implement a decisiontree, that gets certain values from my simulink model and decides, based on those, what to do next.

Best Answer

The Simulink.Parameter class is already on the MATLAB path (it is added at the time of Simulink installation).
Assuming that you meant that you want to use a custom MATLAB class as part of a Simulink block, you may want to consider one of the available MATLAB Function blocks or MATLAB S-functions. I think either the Interpreted MATLAB Function block or the MATLAB S-function block would be most appropriate for you.