MATLAB: Use kmeans to split database of flowers

k-meansStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

Hi, My project is about flower recognition using matlab. I have database of 100 flower of 11 types. The purpose of the project is to get as input one of the flowers and print the name and features of the flower.
I already extract 4 features of the flowers( rgb colors, number of petals and etc.) Now I want to use 'kmeans' in order to devide the flowers into 11 clusters, when each type will be assign to one of the clusters. Does kmeans has option that will let me choose 11 of the flowers as seeds which will build the clusters? Or mayby you know about anoher function which will let me insert the flowers into 11 clusters manualy?
Thanks (^_^)

Best Answer

You can specify your 'seed' as start point for KMEANS:
[idx,ctrs] = kmeans(X,11,'start',seedmat)
X is your matrix of 100 rows and 4 columns (based on your description)
seedmat is a matrix of your 11x4 seeds centroids which is where KMEANS will start to search.