MATLAB: Use for loop to create a big Array out of a few smale Ones


HeyHo, i have create a function that gives me 9 subplots. Now I want to get all the y Values and write them into ONE big Array. How do i do it ?
Data = findobj('type','axes')
Data = sort(Data)
for i = 1:length(Data)
PlotLines = get(Data(i),'children')
PlotLines = sort(PlotLines)
yValues = get(PlotLines(3),'ydata')
%StoreArray(i) = yValues %%does not work
I go into every axes handel, take its children and get the yValues. Now i want to store them in one Array.Pls try to use my given Code to help me but feel free to optimize it.

Best Answer

You plotted the data, right? So why don't you already have it and need to extract it from the axes? You should. So then you just do
StoreArray = [y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6,y7,y8,y9];
If you insist on your way, do this:
StoreArray = [StoreArray , yValues];
Be sure to inatialize StoreArray before the loop begins to null
StoreArray =[];