MATLAB: Use for-loop on characters in a textfile


I have a plain text file that is going to be encrypted – where I'll use double as part of the process. I read the text file
text = fileread('textfile.txt')
Then I need to get the letters into numbers
lettertoNumber = double(text)
Now comes the part I'm struggling with. I need to have a for-loop that goes through lettertoNumber, which also needs to take lower/captial letters into consideration.
for ii = 1:length(lettertoNumber)
?? = ???????
?? = ???????
Greatly appreciate any input.

Best Answer

Use lookup tables. Like
mapping = zeros(1,255) + MAP_INVALIDS_TO;
mapping('a':'z') = 1:26;
mapping('A':'Z') = 1:26;
mapped = mapping(text); %valid to use characters as indices
mapped(mapped == MAP_INVALIDS_TO) = []; %delete characters that had no mapping
Modified versions of this can be used for situations such as encoding the other characters as pairs of values, or for using "shift-in" / "shift-out" to switch between encodings.