MATLAB: Use for loop array value to return into for loop

arrayfirst order differential equationfor loopMATLABreturn value

clear all
clear all
% y' = -3y %
% Exact solution: y = 2*exp(-3x)
% Matlab solution: Follow slope over small x interval (dx) for
% range of x. Small dx should approach exact solution.
dx = 1; % Step size of x
x = 0:dx:10; % Range of x
slope = -3; % Slope of formula, f(y)
y = zeros(size(x)); %Create blank array of y coordinates
y(1) = 2; %y-value at x=0, first (1) value in array
for i = numel(y)
y(i) = y(i-1) + dx*h*y(i-1);
disp('y =')
disp (y)
Hello. I just started using matlab (or any other coding program) as a student. Now I ran into a problem:
For a first ode, I have to calculate a function's slope (ax) at a certain y-coordinate and use that slope to mimic the exact solution and plot both to compare.
Starting at y=2, I follow the slope for 1 dx. Slope = -3 y since dy/dx = -3y. Then I get y = 2 – 6 = -4. Then in this point I again calculate the next y-value with the slope in y=-4 and so on. But with my code matlab doesn't do what I want it to do, I've tried many other types of codes but I give up now. 🙁
What am I doing wrong?
Martijn Jacques

Best Answer

I didn't look to see if this is the only problem with your code, but a problem is that your for loop has only one iteration. For the above code, it is equivalent to
for i = 11
I expect you want to do something like
for i = 2:numel(y)
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