MATLAB: Use Extrinsic function in Embedded Matlab Function of Simulink

embedded matlab functionsimulinktriscatteredinterp

I create function of TriScatteredInterp 'name of AFUNCTION' in MATLAB.
But my program is basically based on simulink. so, I wanna call this TriScatteredInterp function by embedded MATLAB Function icon. Thus, I make
function y = fcn(u1,u2)
y = feval('AFUNCTION',u1,u2);
But there is an error message. 'Function output 'y' cannot be of MATLAB type' I've learned about this output type so if output type is a double, I can correct this problem by adding y=0; (y is scalar of type double)
then what can I correct the problem about the value of TriScatteredInterp?
y = feval('AFUNCTION',u1,u2) has an output A type of TriScatteredInterp

Best Answer

The Embedded MATLAB Function block only allows inputs/outputs of numeric types - TriScatteredInterp is not a supported type.
Could you explain why you would like to output an object of type TriScatteredInterp? Note that you cannot output such a signal to Simulink because only numeric signals are allowed. Perhaps you should modify your design such that you output only numeric values.
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