MATLAB: Use add_line on a line


I was wondering if you could get a handle from a line and draw a line from that to something else. Kaustubha helped me with the code below:
pc = get_param(outPorts{i}, 'PortConnectivity');
srcBlk = get_param(pc.SrcBlock, 'Name');
srcParent = get_param(pc.SrcBlock, 'Parent')
add_line(srcParent, [srcBlk '/1'], 'Out2/1', 'autorouting', 'on');
but if you have a sub system with 6 outports and you want to tie a line from each of them, the code above gets the previous block (subsystem) and ties a line from there to a new block. But it always ties a line from the first output, when I want one from each. So I if it’s possible to get a handle to a line, if you could use it as the source parameter in add_line.

Best Answer

I don't know if there is another way, and I would like to know. This is my work around, it can get ugly, but works. I call it "x+1"
in_src = get_param(inblock, 'PortConnectivity');
in_src =in_src.Position;
add_line(sys,[in_src;in_src(1)+1 in_src(2)]); %draws a line from x to x+1
in_src =[in_src(1)+1 in_src(2)]; % save that location as source
outN = get_param(outNblock, 'PortConnectivity');
outN = outN.Position;
So it technically works by drawing lines to position, rather than the block itself. You might get an unconnected line, but there is a script for that.
If there is better solution, I too would like to know.