MATLAB: Usage of textscan format spec input argument to read text file data at repeated specified locations

formatspecnumber of times to apply formatspecread text filetextscan

Dear Friends
Could anyone provide insight with reading the following data
I would like to read the text file data for the first value of every node (total 235 nodes) and store it as a 235 x 1 column array, X. (0.31158E+02, 0.38774E+02, 0.51027E+02,…)
Similarly, I would also want to read the file data for the second value for each of the 235 nodes given ( -0.15094E+03, -0.16236E+03, -0.17097E+03,… ) and store it as a 235 x 1 column array, Y.
and as well the 3rd value for each of the 235 nodes and store it as a 235 x 1 column array, Z
I am trying to use textscan to read the file data using an appropriate format spec repeated for 235 nodes times.
>> formatspec= '%f %*[\n]';
>> X=textscan(fid,formatspec,235)
X =
what sort of format spec can i use to form the 235 x 1 column array for X (first value of every node) , Y (2nd value of every node) and Z (3rd value of every node) ?

Best Answer

filename = 'data.txt';
fid = fopen(filename, 'rt');
fmtspec = 'Node: %*f\n\n%f%f%f\n%*f%*f%*f';
XYZ = textscan(fid, fmtspec);
X = XYZ{1};
Y = XYZ{2};
Z = XYZ{3};