MATLAB: Upgradeadvisor always compares incompatibilities with the latest Matlab release

simulinkupgrade advisor

I would like to ask whether the upgradeadvisor executes its checks depending on in which Matlab release the tool is called. So for example if I have a .slx-file originally saved in Matlab2016b and want to upgrade to Matlab2017a, will the report of the upgrade advisor will be different compared to the case when the upgrade advisor was consulted in a later release (e.g. Matlab2019b) for the same .slx-file?
Further, I wanted to know if the upgrade advisor contains the release notes of all earlier releases to detect incompatibilities between the versions? Effectively, does the latest version of the upgrade advisor tool contain all release notes of all Matlab versions?
Thanks in advance for your answers.

Best Answer

The answer is yes. Basically, it is the upgradeadvisor() function contained in each version of MATLAB/Simulink. The output might also depend on in which version of MATLAB/Simulink the input model file is created.
Upgrade advisor does not contain release notes, which can be found in document or Mathworks website. upgradeadvisor only contains checks that were developed in that version of upgradeadvisor. It certainly does not cover all the potential issues that you might have when upgrading.