MATLAB: Updating for loop boundaries in MATLAB

for loopif statementMATLABmatrix

Hey, I have a for loop inside of that loop, there is a for loop whose upper boundary is row length of a matrix A, inside this loop I am reaching and deleting rows of A within some condition. The problem is, as far as I have reduced row length of A, my for loop stops because its boundary exceeds the reduced row length of A. In first for loop, I am performing some expressions to updating my A matrix meaning that, I made rows of A deletable within the condition that I referred. My second for loop's boundary should be updated in every deleting operation to be able to delete itself in second loop, enventually. How can I solve this problem? The structure of my code is more or less like below:
for c = 1:10
; %statements mading rows of A deletable
for i = 1:size(A,1)
if %conditions
A(i,:) = []; %deleting rows of A, so its row length reduced
; %do nothing

Best Answer

for i = 1:size(A,1)