MATLAB: Update simulink block


I am writing an automation code that replaces certain blocks with a lookup table from a library that my company provides. The block is a 2D lookup table by default but has an option to be changed to a 1D. I run the replace block command and uset set_param() to set the row data, table data and change it to 1D. However after the script is done running the block still has two input ports, but if I open the block I see that all of the axis are set and the 1D option is selected and if I click 'ok' or 'apply' then the block will switch to having only one input port. Is there a way to update the block via script so the users can avoid having to open each block individually and applying the changes?

Best Answer

Try "update diragram"
You can update a Simulink model from the MATLAB command window or from a MATLAB file by using the SET_PARAM command. For example, typing:
set_param('sys', 'SimulationCommand', 'update');
at the MATLAB command prompt updates the Simulink model 'sys'
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