MATLAB: Update of FileExchange submissions


I try to update one of my submissions in the FileExchange. With Firefox (current version, Win10/64) I can select the new file etc., but when I press the "Publish" button, the page is grayed out and the sandclock is shown. It runs until I click on the page again. Then nothing happens: neither a feedback that the submission was sent, nor a message, how long it might take to be published. The page of the submission still contains the old file.
Under Internet Explorer the buttons for selecting a new file or a screenshot do not work at all.
As far as I remember, the update of FileExchange submissions worked instantly in the last year. Now I'm more or less lost. What an unintuitive interface…
Does updating work or is the interface broken?
UPDATE: I tried it again. Now after pressing the "Publish" button, the small fancy window is displayed to show the license. The "Publish" button there is grayed out. It looks inactive, but when I click on it, again the sand watch appears, but keeps on running forever until I click on the page. Of course the chnages files or the text have no affect. Very frustrating.

Best Answer

The update of a FileExchange submission breaks after pressing the "Publish" button in Firefox.
In the Internet Explorer the "Publish" button and other buttons do not work at all.
Updating works with Edge.