MATLAB: Update GUIDE GUI when radiobutton is selected

button groupcallbackguiguideradiobutton

I made a radiobutton group in my GUI made in GUIDE, but cannot find a callbackFcn for the radiobuttons in matlab automatically generated script, so I put the my radiobuttons code inside a function that is called by a listbox callback. Now is issue is, when I make a new selection in the radiobuttons group, my GUI only updates after I re-select what is selected earlier in the listbox.
How can I better incorporate the radiobutton code with my m-file in this case? I want my GUI to update whenever I make a new selection in the button groups… Thank you for reading, I really appreciate it!

Best Answer

chlor - in the GUI GUIDE editor, right-click on the radio button group to bring up its pop-up menu. Select *View Callbacks -> SelectionChangeFcn*. This will put that callback within your *.m file. This callback will fire whenever you select a radio button from within this group.
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