MATLAB: Update GUI from from call back


Hi I am new to using GUIs in Matlab so this is probably something simple!
I have created a GUI using the GUIDE template. It has a popup menu and a listbox. I want the contents of the listbox to be dependent on what has been specified in the popup menu. In the callback function of the popmenu I use the commands:
contents = cellstr(get(hObject,'String'));
handles.Selection = contents{get(hObject,'Value')};
guidata(hObject, handles);
This updates the field handles.Selection which is used to populate the listbox
How do I now get the GUI to update the listbox with the new value of handles.Selection? Is there come kind of function command I need to do this?

Best Answer

Does this do it?
Also, I'm fairly sure that you don't need the cellstr function when getting "contents."