MATLAB: Update diagram (ctrl-D) fails due to missing bus signal, but the Bus Selector GUI finds the signal in the bus

bus selectorctrl-dmissing signal in bus selectorupdate diagram

I have a model which is failing update diagram for the subject reason. I have tried several things, but none work.
  • tried re-selecting the signal
  • tried deleting the bus selector, the problem just shifted to another bus selector looking at the same bus.
each time, the error appears in the command line, but clicking the hyper link to the model location, and opening the bus selector GUI, shows that the signal is available. I have gone through the path from signal/bus original, to some signal destinations, each time, all bus creators and selectors show the signals as available. Also, there are not other missing signals in any of the bus selectors getting signals from this bus. I cant find any error except the error at the command line. any help? im using Matlab Simulink R2013b.

Best Answer

See this answers page which may be relevant in your case