MATLAB: Unstack table and NaN values


I have a table with 5 columns which represent different variables
T = cell2table(MyArray,'VariableNames',{'ID' 'Region' 'Int_Den' 'Area' 'Group'});
Then, I used unstack to kind of reorganize it
S = unstack(T,'Int_Den','ID');
However, this is not exactly what I need. You can see from the screenshot below that I have a 294×52 table, where the majority of values are NaN. Instead of this, I would like to have a table where the first column is the "Region", and then the IDs will be distributed from columns 2 to 50. At the end the table should be 6 rows x 50 columns.

Best Answer

The remaining variables are used by unstack as grouping variables. You should exclude them when calling unstack.
T = cell2table(MyArray,'VariableNames',{'ID' 'Region' 'Int_Den' 'Area' 'Group'});
S = unstack(T(:,{'ID' 'Region' 'Int_Den'}),'Int_Den','ID');