MATLAB: Unrecognized variable name ‘rows’

genetic algorithmmathematicsMATLAB

S = dataset('xlsfile','nss.xlsx') h = randperm(size(S,1)) g = S(h(1:2300),:) l = ismember(S,g,'rows') S(l<0.5, 🙂 where nss.xlsx is a spambase dataset. but i am getting an error like "Error using getvarindices (line 25) Unrecognized variable name 'rows'.
Error in dataset/ismember (line 34) avars = getvarindices(a,vars,false);
Error in trainandtestseparation (line 4) l = ismember(S,g,'rows')"

Best Answer

You are trying to use this with a dataset, which will call the ismember method of this class and not the base MATLAB ismember. The documentation for the dataset version can be found here: ismember, but in this case you can just omit the 3rd input:
l = ismember(S,g)
Edit: Just realized I spelled MATLAB wrong. Rectified that situation.