MATLAB: Unrecognized function or variable ‘efmenu’ error when opening a figure or app

Wavelet Toolbox

When I open a figure or an app in MATLAB, I get an error saying:
Unrecognized function or variable 'efmenu'.
Error using (line 31)
Error while evaluating Figure CreateFcn.
Error using load
Unrecognized function or variable 'efmenu'.
Error using figure
Unrecognized function or variable 'efmenu'.
Error using mextglob>Get_Def_WGlob_Struct (line 153)
Error while evaluating Figure CreateFcn.
Error using figure
Unrecognized function or variable 'efmenu'.
Error using wfigmngr>createMenus (line 956)
Error while evaluating Figure CreateFcn.
Restoring my default path and rehashing my toolbox cache doesn't appear to help.

Best Answer

Please run the following command in their MATLAB command window:
This error may indicate that you have defined a custom CreateFcn, and this CreateFcn is now incompatible or out-of-date, causing errors when it is used.
To see if MATLAB is using a custom CreateFcn, run the following command:
get(0, 'DefaultFigureCreateFcn')
If the first command does not resolve the issue, check Add-Ons Manager to see if you have "EzyFit" installed, and if so, try uninstalling it, then restarting MATLAB.