MATLAB: Unreadable symbolic inverse laplace transform

fractionsilaplaceinverse laplacelaplaceround-offunreadable

Hello everyone,
I'm getting the following result for a symbolic inverse laplace transform
"(711344669619271385108677997103153152*t)/19855104341381688015232901419831875 + (23145487684601666312378931473530174051891986563072*exp(-(6247229824357887*t)/8589934592)*(cosh((39021524208353083519306687206401^(1/2)*t)/8589934592) + (39024702343349879587739273155585*39021524208353083519306687206401^(1/2)*sinh((39021524208353083519306687206401^(1/2)*t)/8589934592))/243776429826326669518530476119941683267661234687))/38260745576058189100052101743648185127289818163125 – 23145487684601666312378931473530174051891986563072/38260745576058189100052101743648185127289818163125 "
I have those fractions of inmense numbeers being divided. I could do the divison manually, but I need lots of this results and that would be a problem. Is there a way to take this a readable form? Some way to tell matlab not to show the fractions, but to do the division and round off

Best Answer

It might help to provide the code so that someone can give a simple fix.
A simple fix for demonstration purposes would be to use
However, this might give slight errors if you were to evaluate it.