MATLAB: Unit Testing : Figures


My use case. I have some digraph plots, I'd like to verify the values on certain edges, hold the right values. What I'm doing, is plotting one figure per test, by calling
h = digraph.plot
verifySubstring(testCase, h.EdgeLabel{1}, '1,000,000')
However, what I'd also like, is then when all the test have fun, to get an overview, of each.
Normally, I'd try something like this;
Where align figures comes from the matlab file exchange, and figs is a list of the figures created through each of the independant unit tests.
What I can't figure out… is how to persist the figure references, through the test cases…
Any ideas? I realise this sort of defies the point of independant unit tests… but it would be quite helpful, in this specific use case.

Best Answer

Does the approach outlined here work for your case?