MATLAB: Unique values in cell array

cell arrayMATLABmatrixunique

Hi, I have a cell array and would like to find the unique values (by row) in the cell array. Each row has a variable number of numbers. However, in the documentation, unique function does not support cell array by row. Is there a way i can get past this? Thanks!

Best Answer

The cells in ‘locations’ have from 3 to 10 columns, so comparing all of them by rows is not possible.
Likely the best you can do is to get the unique rows of the elements in ‘locations’ that share the same number of columns.
This code does that:
D = load('locations.mat');
locations = D.locations;
for k = 1:size(locations,1)
rowc{k,:} = [locations{k,:}];
rowlen(k,:) = numel(rowc{k});
[lenv,~,ix] = unique(rowlen);
eqcol = accumarray(ix, (1:numel(rowlen))', [], @(x){x});
for k = 1:numel(lenv)
rowm = cell2mat(rowc(eqcol{k}));
U{k,:} = unique(rowm, 'rows');
To see the result, for example for the 4-column cells:
Rows4 = cell2mat(rowc(eqcol{2}))
Check4 = U{2}
with ‘Rows4’ being the original cell array of those combined cells, and ‘Check4’ being the unique rows.