MATLAB: Unique Rows in Cell Array

cell arraysunique

Suppose my problem requires me to use a cell array and the content is as such: (Please forgive my bad coding method. I just want to illustrate the problem)
a{1}=[1 1 1 1;1 1 1 1;2 3 2 3;2 3 2 3;2 4 2 1;]
a{2}=[4 5 6 7;4 5 6 7;2 3 4 5;2 3 4 5;1 2 3 4;]
How can I find the occurrence of duplicate values for each row in each cell array? (Since conventional unique function cannot be applied on cell array contents)

Best Answer

my_unik = cellfun(@(x) unique(x,'rows'),a,'uniformoutput',false);
Or what is it you want?