MATLAB: Unique random number (between 1 and 40)


I wish for a vector consisting of 30 numbers. I want those numbers to be between 1 and 40 BUT NOT with the same number appearing more than once.
I have found this:
clear all; close all; clc n=30; number=zeros(1,n); %Generates my vector for i=1:n number(1,i)=ceil(rand()*40); %B = ceil(A) rounds the elements of A to the nearest integers greater %than or equal to A. For complex A, the imaginary and real parts are rounded independently. end
My problems begin when I want to verify that the figure/value/number in number(i) does not exist in any other location (number(:)) and IF it does, I want it to give me a new random number.
I have attempted every sort of if-for-while-loops, added within the initial loop as well as applied onto the generated number-vector, I can think of and I either get syntax errors or a neatly looking code that does not do what I want.
I would be most grateful for help.

Best Answer

Why not just use randperm()
x = randperm(40);
If you want to randomly select a subset
K = 10;
x = randperm(40,K);