MATLAB: Unique command and external Excel files

excel columnsMATLABunique

I have 50 EXCEL files. In Sheet 2 of each EXCEL file, there are mainly two columns called WA and CI. The program below should take these two columns and check if there are repeated values. I have attached one of the typical Excel files on here. The file is indexed 2.xlsx. The program has a for-loop on external files. The strange thing is that MATLAB says that CI has a repeated value but, checking the file, there is no repetition. If I copy the column CI in MATLAB. I execute the command length(CI) == length(unique(CI)). Then the result is 1. There are no repetead values. This corresponds to the truth because there are no repeated values in CI. I do not understand where I am wrong in this small program and why the two outcomes are different.
path_to_folder = '~/Desktop/75_3/';
for i=1:50
file = strcat(num2str(i),'.xlsx');
path_to_file = strcat(path_to_folder,file);
subset = xlsread(path_to_file,'Sheet2');
CI = subset(:,2);
length(CI) == length(unique(CI))

Best Answer

Well, there is a duplicate in the 2nd column...
>> d=xlsread('x.xlsx','Sheet2');
>> arrayfun(@(i)numel(unique(d(:,i)))==numel(d(:,i)),[1:2])
ans =
1×2 logical array
1 0
> sd=sort(d(:,2));
>> find(diff(sd)==0)
ans =
>> sd(70:72)
ans =
>> [u,iu]=unique(d(:,2));
>> whos u
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
u 74x1 592 double