MATLAB: Union of closed intervals


I have a matrix A of size 2 x N matrix representing N closed intervals. That is, the i-th interval is [ A(1, i) .. A(2, i)]. I would like to construct a matrix C of size 2 x M with the set of disjoint intervals of minimum size whose union is exactly the union of the intervals in A.
I was able to write the code using a loop. Specifically, I sorted the intervals in ascending order according to their lower bound, and built the matrix C with a greedy algorithm which scanned the sorted intervals one by one.
Is there a more efficient way of computing C, preferrably without any loops?
For completeness, here is my code:
function union = unify_intervals(intervals)
% Computes a set of disjoint intervals representing the union of the given
% set of intervals. Usage:
% union = unify_intervals(intervals)

% Input arguments
% intervals
% 2 by N matrix containing the input set of intervals. Each column
% specifies the interval bounds.
% Output arguments
% union
% A 2 by N matrix containing a set of disjoint intervals of minimum
% size, whose union is equal to the union of the given input
% intervals.
%%sort intervals by starting point
[~, order] = sort(intervals(1, :), 2);
sorted_intervals = intervals(:, order);
union = sorted_intervals(:, 1);
for i = 2:size(sorted_intervals, 2)
union_head = union(:, end);
interval = sorted_intervals(:, i);
overlap = max(interval(1), union_head(1)) <= min(interval(2), union_head(2));
if overlap
union(2, end) = max(union_head(2), interval(2)); % update union head
union = [union, interval]; % append new union head

Best Answer

Start with a pre-allocation of the output instead of the iterative growing. Then update Head on demand only.
% sort intervals by starting point
[~, index] = sort(intervals(1, :), 2);
s = intervals(:, index);
u = zeros(size(s));
uk = 1;
Head = s(:, 1);
for k = 2:size(s, 2)
if s(1, k) < Head(2) % Overlap: Update current interval
if s(2,k) > Head(2) % Faster than: Head(2)=max(Head(2), s(2,k))
Head(2) = s(2, k);
else % New interval:
u(:, uk) = Head; % Append current interval
uk = uk + 1;
Head = s(:, k); % Store new interval
u(:, uk) = Head; % Append last interval:
u = u(:, 1:uk); % Crop unused memory
This is 60% faster for the input containing 100'000 elements and 1'000 intervals.