MATLAB: Uniform density, matrix

uniform density. matrix

Hi there, I am working on a new project starting last week, and hence I have been asking too many questions. Thanks for all who helped me.
Again, I have 3 simple queries looking for suggestions ASAP.
I am working on particle filter where I need to initialize the velocity, Intensity and position of (say N = 100) particles
Can you suggest me the M-code for
1. Drawing a value for the velocity from the uniform distribution
v ~ U[-vmax, vmax] , where vmax = 1 unit/sec
2. Drawing a value for intensity from the uniform distribution
I ~ U[Imin, Imax] , where Imin = 10, Imax = 30
3. I have a matrix(or a frame(image) in my case) called 'z', say its a 3×3 frame.
x = [1.2, 0.45, 0.2, 0.25, 20]';
blur = 0.7;
a = 3.*randn(n,m);
for i=1:n
for j=1:m
if i-x(1) < 3 && j-x(3) <3
h(i,j) = x(5)/(2 * pi * (blur^2)) * exp(-((i-x(1))^2 + (j-x(3))^2)/ (2* (blur^2)))
h(i,j) = 0
z = a + h;
So, 'z' will be a 3×3 frame having certain values for the pixels.
The values in 'x' are [position in x-axis, velocity in x-axis, position in y-axis, velocity in y-axis, Intensity].
So the pixels in frame 'z' that fall in the vicinity of the position given my 'x' in x-y direction will have higher values(Intensity than others)
now, what I want is, the position of the particles should be initialized from the distribution q(x,y | z) is a uniform density over those regions in 'z' for which z(i,j) > T
T = threshold = 2
I need to draw values from that distribution.
Okay, I assume I have made myself clear. Can you friends please help!
Many thanks

Best Answer

Do you have the Statistics Toolbox? You can use the function unifrnd() to do at least some of what you need.