MATLAB: Understanding the equations behind the ‘logistic’ learner when using fitclinear


I recently performed two-class predictions using the "fitclinear" function in MATLAB, implementing the "logistic" learner.
In the description of the "learner" input argument, the documentation for fitclinear lists only a single equation for regression:
f(x) = Bx + b
This equation only applies to linear regression, and not the logistic learner option. Would it be possible to list/describe the equations that yield the predictions when using the logistic learner? The description of the loss function in this section is informative, but I would appreciate seeing an explicit description of the logistic function.

Best Answer

If the linear classification model consists of logistic regression learners, then the software applies the 'logit' score transformation to the raw classification scores (see ScoreTransform).
Then click on ScoreTransform.