MATLAB: Understanding basics of struct

basicsfilepathMATLABstructstruct lengthstruct sortstruct2cell

A beginners short story with 3 and a half Questions:
  • I want to get a list of all filepath of filenames in a folder (?).
For that I'm using dir which creates a struct (so far so good).
  • Now I want to save the first colum with the filenames as a cell array (?)
Solved this by using struct2cell .
  • But is there a way to export a single colum (or even a defined range of that colum) ?
I was also thinking an easy for loop would solve that but…
  • I'm struggeling to get the length of the struct ?
  • Is there an elegant way to sort names in the struct in a "natural way" (1,2,3,…,11,12 instead of 1,11,12,2,3,…) ?
Big Thanks!!!

Best Answer

To create a cell array with a single field (column)
d = dir;
folderPaths = {d.folder};
folderPaths_range = {d(5:11).folder}; % for files 5 to 11
Length of struct
n = numel(d);
To sort in "natural way", see this FEX submission by Stephen:
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