MATLAB: Understand a question. HELP!


Hi guys, can you help me understanding what does the question ask for? Suppose C is the matrix:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
Create a matrix C2 that is the upper left 2 × 2 submatrix of C.

Best Answer

what submatrix means is a subset formed by taking a block of size mxn (in your example 2x2) from the original matrix. so the 2x2 submatrix of C that is the upper left means it would be the upper left corner 2x2 [1 2;4 5].
So the question is probably asking you to define a new submatrix C2 by the means of array indexing (is that the right word?) instead of hard coding it in. you can read up on it here So eventually it would look like: