MATLAB: Undefined varialble ? where

if and elseif statementsundefined variables

[EDIT: 20110609 13:08 CDT – reformat – WDR]
hey guys i am trying to find a sum of cashflows based on 4 different scenarios. This is my code and I can only run the program and get a solution from net_income_1. The other 3 net_incomes are returned as undefined. Any ideas?
xin(1) = 500;
xin(2) = 427;
FIT = 12.1;
Xe = 3.1;
RHI = 3;
Pth = 3;
fuel = xin(1)*2.13;
maintenance = xin(1)*0.5;
Pe = 6.5;
Le = xlsread('hourly electric demand.xlsx');
Lth = xlsread('hourly thermal demand.xlsx');
for j=1:1
for i=1:24
if xin(1)>= Le(j,i) && xin(2)>=Lth(j,i);
Feed_in_tariff_1 = Le(j,i)*FIT;
exported_electricity_1 = (Le(j,i)-xin(1))*Xe;
Heat_incentive_1 = Lth(j,i)*RHI;
avoided_electric_1 = Le(j,i)*Pe;
avoided_thermal_1 = Lth(j,i)*Pth;
income_1 = Feed_in_tariff_1+exported_electricity_1+...
expences_1 = fuel+maintenance;
net_income_1 = income_1-expences_1;
elseif xin(1)<=Le(j,i) && xin(2)<=Lth(j,i);
Feed_in_tariff_2 = xin(1)*FIT;
Heat_incentive_2 = (Lth(j,i)-xin(2))*RHI;
avoided_electric_2 = xin(1)*Pe;
avoided_thermal_2 = xin(2)*Pth;
electric_purchase_2 = (Le(j,i)-xin(1))*Pe;
thermal_purchase_2 = (Lth(j,i)-xin(2))*Pth;
income_2 = Feed_in_tariff_2+ Heat_incentive_2 + avoided_electric_2 + avoided_thermal_2;
expences_2 = fuel+maintenance+electric_purchase_2+thermal_purchase_2;
net_income_2 = income_2-expences_2;
elseif xin(1)>=Le(j,i) && xin(2)<=Lth(j,i);
Feed_in_tariff_3 = Le(j,i)*FIT;
Heat_incentive_3 = (Lth(j,i)-xin(2))*RHI;
exported_electric_3 = (Le(j,i)-xin(1))*Xe;
avoided_electric_3 = xin(1)*Pe;
avoided_thermal_3 = xin(2)*Pth;
thermal_purchase_3 = (Le(j,i)-xin(2))*Pth;
income_3=Feed_in_tariff_3 + exported_electric_3 +...
Heat_incentive_3 + avoided_electric_3 + avoided_thermal_3;
expences_3 = fuel+maintenance+thermal_purchase_3;
net_income_3 = income_3 - expences_3;
if xin(1)<= Le(j,i) && xin(2)>= Lth(j,i);
Feed_in_tariff_4 = xin(1)*FIT;
Heat_incentive_4 = Lth(j,i)*RHI;
exported_electric_4 = 0;
avoided_electric_4 = Le(j,i)*Pe;
avoided_thermal_4 = xin(2)*Pth;
electric_purchase_4 = (Le(j,i)-xin(1))*Pe;
income_4 = Feed_in_tariff_4 + exported_electric_4 +thermal_purchase_4...
+ Heat_incentive_4 + avoided_electric_4 + avoided_thermal_4 ;
expences_4 = fuel+maintenance+electric_purchase_4;
net_income_4 = income_4 - expences_4;
final = net_income_1 + net_income_2

Best Answer

I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure there's a way through your decision tree that doesn't define them. The last outer else forces you into an inner if with no else so when it fails that inner if they're left undefined.
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